Jméno autora:Země světa

Glass of kings

The second half of the 19th century was a time full of contradictions. On the one hand, it was clinging to historical styles, on the other hand, the rising machine production was undermining many traditional arts and crafts, including glass making. In spite of this tendency, Ludwig Moser, twenty-four year old glass engraver, decided to get him known just by hand work and a high quality…

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The protected heart of the spas

The Slavkovský les Forest conceals a life-giving force that somehow reminds of well-protected secrets of legendary heroes whose life was also dependent on energy hidden sometimes in the heart of mountains and other times in a magic ring. The protected mountain complex of the Slavkovský les Forest situated within the spa triangle is exactly such precious source of energy. If it were not here, the towns on its perimeter would only vegetate…

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Town of colonnades

Karlovy Vary has undoubtedly still other positive attributes – Goethe called it for instance “the chessboard of Europe” – and since its foundation it has been our oldest and greatest spa resort. But the spa character of this town can be best seen in its colonnades. Although they were intended to enable walking and drinking of mineral water directly at springs, at the same time, they have become a part, or even the scene, of the spa’s social life…

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Beginnings of the Bohemian porcelain

For one thousand years, China succeeded to keep its secret of porcelain fabrication. When Johann F. Böttger discovered porcelain for the second time in 1709 in Meissen, Saxony did not manage to keep his “arcanum” for more than ten years. Tradition has it that the first one to find it out was a military agent of the Austrian court who then established in Vienna his own porcelain factory, which he later had to sell to the state because of his debts…

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Becherovka, the thirteenth spring

In 1965, when a new, already the thirteenth healing spring was found after many years in Karlovy Vary, it should, according to the local tradition, obtain the serial number of its finding. But as the number thirteen was already occupied, because the Becherovka liqueur was for years called the thirteenth spring, the new spring was named the Second Václav´s Spring…

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The Svatošské skály Rocks

In the deep canyon-like Ohře valley through which the river penetrates the huge granite massif, we will find between Loket and Karlovy Vary a picturesque group of slim rocks. Granites exposed for millions of years to weathering and erosion activities of the river have disintegrated in their own way into a system of mutually nearly perpendicular fissures and the result of this process is a small rock town…

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The Teplá Monastery

The Teplá Monastery is one of the nearly thirty large monasteries founded in Bohemia during the 12th century, but it is probably the only one existing thanks to a lucky chance. If we believe an old story, we must even admit that it owes its foundation to a simple human failure, to the fear of a man of an unknown natural element. This man was the Bohemian lord Hroznata who had to take part in the third crusade but still before leaving the Italian shore he was struck by panic when seeing the rough sea and he did not even enter the ship…

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Cheb, ancient town near the border

Already in the remote past, Cheb was not only an entrance gate to Bohemia, but also an important centre of the westmost part of the country. Its Czech name is derived from the bend of the Ohře River, its German name Eger comes from the ancient Celtic name of the river – Agara. The historic centre of the town, significantly devastated in the 1950´s, was reconstructed at the beginning of the 1960´s. In 1981, Cheb was proclaimed urban conservation area…

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Loket, ciudad de reyes

El río Ohře, que se abre camino por el valle de los Montes Metálicos, ha enlazado en su curso un solitario promontorio rocoso al que cada vez aprieta más con su lazada. Hoy en día solo un estrecho istmo une esta península de forma circular con el bosque de Slavkov, del que se desgajó. Durante milenios este bastión rocoso fue uno de los lugares mejor protegidos de Bohemia y precisamente aquí se construyó uno de los más antiguos castillos checos, que desde mediados del siglo XII custodia la región de Cheb, recién incorporada a la corona de Bohemia…

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Cristal de reyes

La segunda mitad del siglo XIX fue una época llena de contradicciones: de un lado, permanecía aferrada a los estilos historicistas y, de otro lado, la naciente producción industrial arrinconó muchos oficios tradicionales, incluida la artesanía del cristal. A pesar de las tendencias de la época, el grabador de cristal Ludwig Moser, a los 24 años de edad, decidió abrirse camino precisamente gracias a un trabajo manual de alta calidad…

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La ciudad de las arcadas

Karlovy Vary ha recibido sin duda otros elogiosos apelativos –por ejemplo, Goethe la llamó “el tablero de ajedrez de Europa” –, pero lo que mejor expresa su carácter de ciudad balneario son precisamente sus arcadas. Aunque fueron construidas como parte de las instalaciones para el tratamiento curativo, pronto se convirtieron en el escenario principal de la vida social del balneario…

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